Our intervention services are a series of short-term care services, which gives us enough time to support the person through their difficult times and help them restore balance. In addition to the support we provide, we will refer the assisted person to medium- or long-term services, depending on their specific needs.

Our services are free, confidential, bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
All of our services are available free of charge, at either the crisis site or crisis centre and include:
The 24/7 crisis intervention line
It’s the gateway to our round-the-clock services and is nothing like a traditional helpline. On the very first call, we analyze the caller’s situation by gathering data and assessing the situation that’s being reported.
Mobile intervention in the community
Intervention workers can travel to the site to meet the affected individuals and their loved ones to provide support, guidance, information and to direct them to other specialized resources as needed. Clients are also welcome in person at the crisis centre.
Short-term follow up
Follow-ups provide the necessary support during a crisis. When you use concrete steps to provide support, you provide the client with the tools they need to regain and maintain stability.
Post-crisis follow-up consolidates the achievements made, helps build bridges to other resources, and facilitates referrals.
Short term housing 24/7
Based on the recovery model of care, short term housing provides temporary accommodation to people in crisis with respect for their decisions and independence, social ties and shared responsibilities, and the search for meaning in their experiences through the day-to-day support of on-site professionals.
The team reassesses the client’s needs on a daily basis to determine a case plan that’s tailored to the person in question.
We provide access to existing community or health network resources.